Monday, January 04, 2010

Fighting My Way Back

So, it's the anniversary of Phil Lynott's death, a mere twenty four years ago, and the title link is the suitably topical song of that name. I know this has been a bit sparse in the updating of late, and I'm half a dozen gigs behind but you can't do it all. I'm also aware that it's an observable phenomenon that when there's not so much good news to share, it becomes easier not to bother, but it's also the case that I've been concentrating on doing the good stuff. With the new year starting, I've started on a 365 project on flickr - one picture taken every day, even if I won't be able to upload them all on the day - and I have many reasons to be cheerful. I plan to catch up on a few of those gigs in the next day or two, and in the meantime there's plenty of Thin Lizzy to listen to, today of all days!
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