Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Power Of Two*

It comes to something when the artist has got backstage video footage from the gig already up on facebook and I'm still days behind in catching up! Sometimes you need an understanding of what makes an act special, in more than one sense, if you're not going to be taken by surprise. On the one hand it's hard to avoid pigeonhole limitations by putting a label on something, but on the other hand if you ignore it then you are definitely missing something. But it's natural enough that there are lots of women holding hands with women, in a concentration that's part reassuring that it's obviously a safe atmosphere for that to happen, and part raising the question as to whether such an event is needed for it to happen. Whatever, I'm not qualified to answer the question. Last time I saw the Indigo Girls my brain chemistry was somewhat affected by a combination of alcohol and adrenaline, and despite the undeniable appeal of that option, this time I ended up fully sober and paying attention. Despite which, a couple of days later I'm now a bit short on detail! The full detail of the setlist is irrelevant, but it runs roughly by alternating a couple of new songs with a couple of old ones with a couple of new ones and so on. There's some great banter as Amy takes forever to tune her guitar, Yield and Starkville are highlights, the newer songs come through in the live environment with a bit more flavour as they haven't really leapt off the CD at me. At some points that atmosphere heads almost towards political rally, while Emily is at pains to point out that the songs shouldn't need to be political, but the mix of celebration and serious is unmistakably potent. And then they play Ghost, which is a song of tremendous personal importance and Three Hits is likewise accompanied by the crowd's voices in great number. The gig turns into an immense singalong, uplifting and inspiring in turn, and you can believe it when they comment from the stage that they've had a great time too. There's a general warmth from the gig that keeps us all company till long after we've finally made our way out of the lengthy car park queue, and gone our separate ways. See you next time! * Power Of Two is a song from the Indigo Girls' 1994 album 'Swamp Ophelia', a fine description of how just two voices and two instruments can make for a top night of music, and a couple more relevant things besides.

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