Saturday, January 03, 2009

Happy Birthday To Ya, Happy Bi-irthday

This being the 4th birthday of this blog. It's also the birthday of one someone out of many out there, and that's exactly the sort of personal joke that I am sure can make my posts extra impenetrable some of the time. I started this at about the same time a number of other people did, but anyone who bothers to go through all the links will see that many of those have fallen out of use at some point. Ones that haven't have generally switched into some other topic-specific mode, and it's equally true here, that this has turned from strictly personal navel-gazing as an added bonus further to things I was saying online elsewhere, in an attempt to flesh out a picture without diverting the conversation elsewhere. In the last year or two this has rather switched to a record of gigs I've seen, which is useful in its own right just because it enables me to keep track of what various gigs were like. I mean, I know I saw a band called Boy On A Dolphin twenty-odd years ago, but I couldn't tell you a thing about how they sounded. And at least if I go back here I can answer that same question pretty well for Gone Til Winter or Touchstone. This year is undoubtedly going to bring me substantial changes, just due to the redundancy thing, so material for posting is hardly going to dry up overnight, but I am equally aware that it's not desperately exciting to read what new shoes I have just bought, though there's a fair chance my shoe shopping is going to dry up shortly too. So I am happy to take suggestions as to what part of my posting brought you here, and what might bring you back, or what questions you feel like asking. Otherwise, happy new year too you too, and I hope 2009 brings you interesting yet settled times.
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