Saturday, May 10, 2008

The Longest Day

This time last week I was almost within spitting distance of Scotland, slowly negotiating my way through the edge of Carlisle. I haven't been that far north since I was last in Glasgow a few years ago, and having made a suitably early start the getting there was pretty straightforward. I made it all the way to Charnock Richard before my first stop, and that definitely broke the back of the journey up, and it was good to be reminded what a beautiful bit of landscape that stretch around Tebay is, where the two carriageways are separated by more than a central reservation. The league tables will tell you my trip was ultimately a fruitless one, but I would have been disappointed to have missed it in the event we had pulled off a minor miracle. I've been through relegation before, and because of all the off-field business stuff this one has been pretty painless, in a football sense at least. Meanwhile, last saturday also turned out to be one of the first really warm days of the year, and the combination of boiling in the car, minor heat-stroke on an open terrace and the cumulative effects of driving nearly a thousand miles in under sixty hours by the time I got home meant my journey back was not the most comfortable. Even if it was refreshingly early on account of leaving a ground a very long way away at five rather than a venue that's merely a long way away at getting on for midnight. I've just about caught up with sleep now from those couple of days, but I reckon I've earned the rest over the next couple of months!

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To think I used to moan about a 9 hour car journey in one day!

Hope life is good for you atm
Thanks, but the only person to blame for choosing to drive that far is me! Of course, heat-stroke aside, it was still significantly shorter than the day I drove 729 miles to Hartlepool and back. Which I won't be doing again.
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