Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Like Belming Into The Dark...

Is a quote that's amused me greatly, admittedly from someone I generally find amusing, on the subject of why people have blogs. And can I offer a better answer? Well, for me it makes it possible to remember all sorts of things from one year to the next, and allows me to keep track of what I thought about bands in slightly greater detail than a general, vague positive/negative impression. It also allows me the self-indulgence that my ever-expanding wardrobe can exist in some real world way that means it isn't just confined to these four walls, and when that's a subject that comes with a history of all sorts of secrecy and until recent years the sort of A Big Deal nature that makes things a lot more difficult than they perhaps need to be, then that makes a big difference. In some ways, the discipline required to beat something into sentences that turn out be coherent to someone else is a worthy enough end. I've read enough interviews with musicians to understand where the cliche of 'making music to satisfy oneself and if anyone else likes it, that's the proverbial bonus' comes from. I have a reasonable feel for the small amount of traffic that comes here, and it's split between people searching for bands or musicians I've seen and blogged about, and a handful of people I've either directed here myself or who have found me using their own initiative. It's also clear that people fall out of the habit of blogging, or run out of things to say, or have some other reason for letting things fall quiet. For this reason I'm keeping my own set of links to blogs I've read at some point, so I can keep an eye on any activity there from time to time. But whatever brings you here, I'm glad if you've managed to get this far without moving swiftly on, and if you've anything to say for yourself then I'm happy to hear it.

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