Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Popularity Contest?

The addition of the stats function to flickr has been hugely illuminating, if not especially surprising. Having gone through a significant petrol bill and quite a few hours driving on saturday to see a band I've now seen a dozen times, I took the opportunity to knock off a ton of live on stage action shots. In conditions with next to no meaningful lighting beyond a couple of UV striplights and some lights at the bar at the back of the room, it wasn't easy, and handheld shots up to 1/6th of a second produce a lot of blurry rubbish - trust me, I have the evidence - but I still ended up adding eighteen shots that I was reasonably satisfied with to the band's flickr pool. And since the band included a link to that pool in an email to the mailing list to thank people for turning up and pass on some other news, suddenly there's a lot of traffic going through those pictures that they wouldn't normally get. So far, so obvious, but what is much more interesting will be whether anyone comes back after a first look, and which other shots they have a look at while they are there. This is my favourite of them at the moment - 1/10th of a second at F4 produces the red-yellow warmth to the skin tones.
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