Friday, October 19, 2007

Monsters And Angels

The modern world of technology makes all sorts of things easier than they otherwise might be, and the impossible possible. Which is how, to cut a long story short, last night I came across a means of getting in touch, and shot off a quick message to say how much I'd enjoyed the last time I had the privilege of seeing her band. And how this morning I woke up to find a very sweet message from Tracey Beehive waiting for me. Sure, I'm easily impressed by even the briefest brush with musicians, and I guess that's what makes me still a fan after all this time. You can see Tracey singing and playing guitar here. You can't see me, though I was there when this was filmed, but you can see that she, Missy and the rest of the band were having just as a great time as we were. One day all bands will be this good, though I'm not holding my breath. What I am doing is being glad to find that people are as personable and friendly as I might like to think the music tells me.

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