Thursday, September 06, 2007

Respec Mah Authoritaah!

I'm a firm believer in respect being earned, though I'm happy to take people as I find them. What I'm less good at is taking being messed around with good grace, and indulging people who struggle to make their minds up about what they are doing, and to let people know when they've decided. And this is what's behind me having the amusement value of being chased into a toilet by a security guard today. Of course if I'd been determined to cause trouble I'd have stayed in the cubicle a lot longer, but after what might be called a frank exchange of views I'm sure I got my point across. I'm not making an apology and calling it a policy, but one thing I do know is that claiming to have a policy and then varying the policy from one day to the next, and apparently having no policy at all half the time is no way to get yourself taken seriously. * early hours post-script: of course, this sort of nonsense disturbing my sleep is something I could really do without, but you know how sometimes you get stuff just buzzing away in your head that you can't ignore? I'm sure that my being extra tired when we approach the same scenario later this morning, even with me adapting to comply with what the head man claims the policy should be, is only going to make everything easier and more pleasant for everyone!
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