Thursday, June 14, 2007

Electric Dreams

I seem to have been running at a couple of weeks behind for a while now, but I like to think it's a good sign to be too busy doing stuff to be posting rather than the other way round. I have however been keeping up to date on flickr at least. This weekend I shall be buying some technology for completely different purposes, but the last few days have seen my television replaced by a slightly bigger one, and the arrival of my first ever DVD machine - hooray for earlyish adopters with an ongoing need to find new homes (like me) for gear that's perfectly decent and usable. And on that same technological note, guess how I spent my afternoon? I damaged my camera a couple of months ago, and while it was possible to live with it, when I suddenly stumbled across how to take apart the relevant bits this afternoon, it was an inevitability that my desk would immediately become more of a workbench...
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