Saturday, May 26, 2007

Girl's On Film

Just got in. There's a backlog of three gigs I'll get to tomorrow or the next day, but in the meantime... For a variety of reasons this evening turned out to be a memorable one. I've just got home from a comedy gig, which would be no news whatsoever except that it turned out just right there was a later repeat performance such that I had enough time since I came in from work to have showered, dehaired my legs, painted my toes and done a job on my make up that I was really very pleased with. Add that to my only really summery skirt, my pink strappy sandals and what is rapidly becoming my favourite ever handbag and you get a seasonal and presentable outfit that also comes under almost sensibly dressing my age. The joy of the second, later performance was that even at this late stage in the daylight hours cycle, I managed to feel comfortable with the whole avoiding the neighbours in broad daylight scenario, and by the time I got where I was going it was suitably close to on time that there wasn't too much hanging around furtively looking in my handbag before getting into the theatre. On the other hand, as I already knew, this performance was being filmed for a later DVD release and so the live action footage from a camera pointed right in my face wasn't exactly whatI had in mind. That said, and despite a pulse rate briefly going through the roof, I had a great time. I've been told in the past that I make too much of things, and the people who've told me that are usually entirely right. However, it remains indisputable fact that it would have taken me a much longer time to get to wherever here is without certain people, and even if some of those people are unlikely to read this here or cross my path these days, I'm raising a glass to them all the same. The fact that I ended up suitably pleased with my hair that I went with my own hair rather than the peroxide bob must say something about my increasing degrees of confidence, and while I'm not sure whether I would have preferred hiding behind my own lots of hair or being less recognisable with the chin+ length bob, in any case, I survived and life goes on happily. Of course now I'll have to buy the DVD, and see if I made the final cut, but I know I was happy with how I looked and that's all that really matters - cheers! * edited to correct typo and add this less than fantastic picture, which nonetheless gives the idea
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