Monday, February 12, 2007

The Trouble With Me.. I Don't Give In, You See

That line's from the BMX Bandits' Serious Drugs, which is a song I never tire of listening to. Though this time it's actually from Serious Drugs 2, which is a new-to-me rocked up version I have just been thrilled to listen to. Which brings me to the conundrum I am currently wrestling with. I only got to listen to it because the BMX Bandits are on my mind because Teenage Fanclub are, because the Gigolo Aunts are, because I've spent most of the last 48 hours pleasantly earwormed by Dave Gibbs' version of NWA's Straight Outta Compton. Because I've been drawn into the web of networked insania that is myspace. And specifically because of the musical content that myspace has to offer. I'm an inveterate collector, and there's nothing quite like finding a new version of a song that's been an old friend for years, or making friends with a song that's an instant hit. And being only a click away from a nice musical surprise is an intoxicating prospect. Of course the real selling power of myspace is the friend networking, and it's on my mind that if I had my own myspace account I could more easily keep track of all the bands and people I'd want to in the one place. At the moment I'm listening to something on the page of someone whose floor I slept on a couple of times back in the good old days of 1991 or thereabouts, it's probably the new Friends Reunited in that sense, it's so easy to run into people you know to some limited (and often outdated) extent. One of the reasons that I've not weeded out my links from here more thoroughly is that it's good to have them all in one place so I can see what has, or often hasn't, changed without having to bookmark every single one individually, and that's what threatens to ensnare me in the myspace trap. But like I said, I don't give in, and that's why already being on the web for more hours a day than is healthy makes getting stuck into another set of profile set-up and link collection a job that can definitely wait for another day.
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