Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Another Candle

Seems this is the second anniversary of the start of this blog, for what little difference that makes. It's entirely coincidental that this particular date is also a special one on my personal calendar, for reasons of distant historical significance, so it amuses me to mark the day anyway. On average over these two years I've posted roughly every two and a half days, which probably suggests I'm here for the long run. I'm an instinctive archivist and record-keeper, and this is only the modern equivalent of a diary on paper - the minutiae of the daily routine perhaps has little to commend it, but having the space to braindump whatever is on my mind obviously makes a difference to me. Any feedback is always welcome and of interest to see exactly what's coming across, but I've found the act of hammering out whatever's going on into full sentences is a worthy discipline in itself. All the same, thanks for reading! Adjusting to a new year is always an interesting time, especially when it's one that's ushered in with the full range of wet and windy weather - here's to storms that blow over with time, and the calm that follows them.
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