Sunday, December 10, 2006

There'll Never Be Any Time Better Than Now

That's a line from a Mega City Four song, but then I'm more than prone to dropping them in everywhere as even this blog's title Overlap is the name of a MC4 song, so there's nothing new in that at all. But I wanted to come back a couple of steps, now I'm catching up on a 900 mile week where tonight will be the first evening at home since last sunday. I've added my own small tribute to Wiz on the furtive tribute site at last, but it took me a couple of days to work out what I wanted to say. I'm rarely without something from the MC4 catalogue, in the car, or on my mp3 player, and always in my head - indeed I've been in at least one particular situation where my own carelessness threatened to give me a bit of a problem and singing (after my own tuneless fashion!) was a fine way to distract myself from panicking and concentrate on getting on with what I should have done properly the first time around. It would be unrealistic to claim friday as directly consequential, as it's been on my mind for quite some time that I've wanted to go to a gig fully dressed as a woman, but somehow the right event in the right place has never come up at the right time till now. All the same, I was having certain reservations but the combination of starting somewhere familiar, heading for somewhere familiar and meeting someone there meant that the only really hard bit would be the getting there - this is where the prepaid travel card comes into its own, especially when I realised I had something of a bus ride option that would avoid the more scary prospect of sitting directly opposite someone on a busy Tube train. I had a lovely time, helped by the time honoured truth of nerves being soluble in alcohol, and having previously said that it was time and I was ready, it was great to be able to confirm that to be the case. When you look at something as a problem for long enough, you can build it up to being much more than it is. But the world didn't end, the sky didn't fall in and while it would be naive not to remember that in the modern world you're never that far away from the potential of a 'look at this freaky tranny I saw the other night and took a picture of on my phone' story on someone's blog or worse, it's sometimes important to remember that not all the things that can happen do happen. And even then, there's a degree of comfort in knowing how recognisable I would actually be to anyone else in a rubbish cameraphone picture with my peroxide bob. On which note, I can see my adventures in artificial hair continuing in the not too distant future. Which brings us right back to Wiz, singing... The future is never certain, so I'll make the most of every moment No matter what happens now, I'm grateful for everything so far And I'm not afraid it will end, 'cos I'm taking everything as it comes Which is hardly my natural style, but it is what I'm working hard towards, and especially now.
I'm so pleased you finally did it, Uber. There must have been a lot of anxious moments in the run up to it and I bet you nearly chickened out a few times.

It can never be so scary again.

Go you
Thanks, I'm rather disinclined to make too much of 'never' regarding the future, but a worthy part of dealing with something potentially tricky is to allow for the possibility that it might not happen and have open options rather than invite the pressure of feeling obliged or forced to go through with it.

In any case, the important thing was knowing what works for me to feel able to go through with it, up to and including the private joke of listening to *that* Shania Twain song on my mp3 player on the bus!

I've previously said it was time, and that turned out to be entirely correct. Which is as much as I could have asked for.
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