Saturday, December 16, 2006

Long Days, Black Nights

Another song title, but by someone else this time. This morning I got up remarkably early so as not to miss a delivery I was expecting and filled the time watching rubbish cricket and then slightly less rubbish football/comedy. Somewhere in the middle of this I've seen a bit of daylight, and made a big dent in my accumulated paperwork. Six months of bills are now filed, and my bikes have been re-arranged in a way that leaves my living room bike-free for the first time in a couple of years, so it does seem like a vaguely productive day. At the same time, my traditional dislike of the season of mandatory joyfulness is tempered with dealing with events elsewhere, though that'll no doubt spill out here in its own good time. What I do like about this time of year is getting a bit more time to myself - with under four working days left till next year, I still have reasons to be cheerful. Hope you have a good time, whether that's traditional turkey style, or something else entirely!
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