Thursday, September 14, 2006

What's Another Year?

I know people twice my age who describe always feeling pretty much the same inside, just finding the body doesn't manage to do as much, or as quickly. I don't remember not having a long-view approach to most things, and I can't say that ageing bothers me hugely; I'm as baseline happy with my life at this age as I've ever been. It's always possible to wish for more, or bigger, or blonder, or something or other that's not how things are right now. But here is pretty good as it stands, and while it would be a good idea to eat a bit less rubbish, and get a bit more sleep, this has been a good year and I expect to try and wring as much out of the next one too. I live in a house over here, and have my world outside it. And that's good enough for me.
"I live in a house over here, and have my world outside it"

What a good phrase. Is it a lyric or is it an Uber original?
The original lines are She lives in this house over there/Has her world outside it and are from 'Birthday' by The Sugarcubes from 1988.

Can't take the credit for that!
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