Thursday, August 17, 2006

It Was Twenty Nine Years Ago Today

It was twenty nine years ago yesterday that Elvis died, and so today is the anniversary of that fact hitting the front pages of newspapers. And that's what makes it notable for me. It's certainly fair to say I never loved Elvis, but his death is the first major piece of breaking news that I remember clearly - I know exactly where we picked up the family newspaper that day, and recall being surprised at quite how extensive the coverage was. Sure I remember the long hot summer of 76 well, and I remember all sorts of local or personal stuff from before that, but on a worldwide scale, this is where it starts for me. I wonder how that is for other people - how about you?
I also remember that very very hot summer. One image that has stayed in my mind is seeing a girl dressed as a cowboy frying an egg on the pavement just beside Eros.

The rubbish that is in our heads!
Heh - the opportunity to braindump some of the rubbish in my head is but one of the things I get out of this blog!
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