Friday, June 16, 2006

Spotlight Kid

Well, let's not get carried away now.

I love my job, but I especially love the freedom it allows me to not work especially hard, and to follow my own ideas for exactly how to do what I do. And while that's something I'm happy to soak up - I figure I've paid my dues and I've done enough rubbish jobs to know when I'm on to a good thing - it's not something that's going to take me anywhere in the longer term. There is
no prospect for promotion or advancement as there is no more senior version of what I do, nor any department or group I could potentially move up into.

So it was inevitable that when an unexpected opportunity arose earlier this week, I couldn't not push myself forward towards something that may or may not come off. The prospect is a mildly scary but perfectly natural one from where I am now, so we'll see what happens.

What surprises me most about this is that having taken the time to say the right things to the right person whose eventual decision it will be to include me in further developments or not, the subject concerned has remained on my mind, and I know exactly what my first questions in that area will be.

It's still conjecture at this stage, and it's only work after all, but even though it's not like me to seek out change, I feel good about the prospect.Time will tell if anything comes of it.

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