Wednesday, June 28, 2006

How Many Fans Can The Heat Take Down?

Last night I saw the living legend that is Bob Dylan. Hnnnnnnnnnnnnn! Tickets said showtime was 7.30, the band came on at 7.45, were off by 9.40 and it was back out into daylight and home. It's been a very long time since I've been in a crowd that gave quite that sort of ovation to someone, and it was a cracking show. A nice hot venue meant I had two people fainting within touching distance of me, and for a guy of 65, old Bob still drives his band very hard and they were tight as hell. I'm not a particular fan, and there's sometimes a bit of novelty in going to someone I don't see all that often (seen him just the once before) so I had a great time. Tremendous - puts a lot of people a third of his age to shame!

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