Saturday, June 24, 2006

Dressed To Maim

There's someting about wine-powered typing that makes for a lot of fun. On friday night I went to see "Europe's Longest Standing KISS Tribute Band" - Dressed To Kill. I've seen the real KISS, and these were at least as much fun, playing for nearly two and a half hours and doing a bunch of great songs I have not listened to in ages. You can see how seriously they take their act here, feel free to stare, point and giggle til you've had enough. Now, in matters entirely unconnected with blokes old enough to know better wearing too much make up, I've been finding that some websites do not reflect what is actually in stock. On friday I was looking at a handbag again that I have been in two minds whether I really liked, but by saturday when I'd decided I did like it and went back for it, it was gone. Which makes for a few fruitless miles driven. In between enjoying the fruits of my most recent make up shopping, I am unable to be too bothered about shops' stocking policies, and remain tempted by the idea of shopping on those websites which promised more than their shops could deliver. In the global scheme of things, it's no big deal.

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I can't imagine living over here without the luxury of online shopping.

Support your local website!
Support my local website? Oh, I do!

It turns out I have another unheralded skill, that of knowing all my credit card numbers and dates while operating under the influence. You can draw your own conclusions on what that says about my levels of internet shopping!
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