Saturday, March 25, 2006

Saturday Afternoon Fever!

Not to be busy at a football match or otherwise occupied on a saturday afternoon is a rare experience for me, and generally I look forward to sitting swearing at the computer while enjoying my hometown local radio station's commentary on the match brought to me down the optic fibres. This afternoon I spent hours watching the rain turn to steam on my bonnet as I sat in a queue of traffic going absolutely nowhere. And of course I'd expected I'd be back in plenty of time, so I didn't even have the radio in the car. That sort of situation says a lot about the human condition - you can spot a mile off where people are getting impatient and frustrated, and you can see where taking the initiative and leaving a gap for people to get through helps everybody on their way much more quickly. But the thing that surprises me the most is the way people are apparently happy to spend so much of their own time in this way - this isn't 1975 any more, and shops are open for a lot longer than they are closed, so it really didn't ought to be that hard. I could have used the time better too, but I did end up achieving what I set out to do, otherwise it would really have been a waste of time. And now I can watch a bunch of videos I haven't seen for years, at my leisure. Which must be better than shopping for sport!
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