Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Skylines, Hairlines, Deadlines?

I woke up one morning this week to find I could suddenly see the skyline out of my bedroom window, which means the trees beyond my garden have all shed enough leaves that they no longer form an effective screen between me and the big hill. In a tangentially connected set of events, aided by technology and a series of comments from different sources, I've reached the point where I'm forced to concede that while on the one hand I'm comfortable enough with the natural passage of time and the inevitabilities that come with it, it would be short-sighted to ignore the potential benefits of a little assistance. So while in practical terms the fact my hairline is now some way above my eyebrows means that short of getting a desperate looking fringe cut in, what hair I have is easily controlled and managed, I'm now seriously investigating my options. And expecting something to turn up in the post at some point this week. And deadlines? Well, there isn't one really, it's more a case of see what it takes to find out where I'm comfortable.
Taking your time on such things is good. And all steps are positive steps. Apart from a fringe which is Not Good. Fringe and long hair = bad, very bad. And you know it would lead to the opportunity to mention a certain heavy metal fan on film should the words Edna Mole ever leave your mouth again :-p
Ha ha, thanks for that :-)

Party on!
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