Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Technology, Love It (Slight Return)

Funny, if it hadn't been for the car having a flat battery, I wouldn't have been in the car as late as I was, so I wouldn't have been listening to the radio. There's a show I never miss but usually listen to online as part of my morning routine at work, so ordinarily I would not have heard the show till tomorrow morning and then felt I'd missed an opportunity to contribute to a debate sparked by presenters opening Pandora's closet in a way they surely didn't intend. As it is, I did get the chance to seize the opportunity and my hastily composed email obviously made enough impact at the other end to be broadcast across the nation - so hooray for flat car batteries, keeping the multi-wardrobe flag flying! That's exactly the sort of public service broadcasting that I pay my licence fee for. * I'm not quite vain enough to link directly to the programme's web presence, but I'll be happy to share the details if anyone really wants to know.
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