Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'm Sorry, I've Only Got Figs

Something I've been talking about recently with various people is the dubious delights of internet dating. While you can't currently find me on any dating websites, I've spent enough time on different ones in the past to have more than half an idea of what works and what doesn't. And knowing a few people who are currently involved in that particular game, I wondered if I could put together a few ideas for helpful suggestions. You tell me... * keep it fresh - 'last updated this week' says someone's interested, 'last updated last week' says someone may have had a busy week, 'last updated three weeks ago' says someone's either met somebody, or isn't really that interested in meeting someone. Some websites automatically sort profiles by most recently updated, and only show a limited number of results when you start searching so it's very much in your interest to keep the profile updated frequently. Remember, you only need to replace the odd but with and, or move sentences round and hit save, not write a brand new profile from scratch. * less is more - if the aim is to catch someone's attention then you stand a better chance by just showing a little of yourself rather than laying everything out in the open from the off. There's a big difference between saying you like classical music, say, and inviting questions about which composers you like, and saying you absolutely love a vast list of Mozart, Beethoven, Bach, Schubert and Wagner, which risks the reaction 'Bloody Wagner? I hate Wagner, forget that...' * give 'em enough rope - leaving some information a little bit vague gives people a chance to break the ice by asking a question. Especially where a question allows them to show they've actually read what you said rather than fire off the same message to half a dozen people. In the flesh I'm absolutely rubbish at meeting people, but even I can recognise what looks like a scowling, folded arms challenge to people to like me on the screen. * if you're gonna do it, do it right (right baby) - whatever you want to say, proofread it. Then proofread it again. * always asking questions - finish it off with an invitation for them to tell you something about themselves. Nobody wants to meet someone who's only interested in themself. * smile - put in just a little bit of humour, and enjoy yourself. What's the worst that can happen? *** note, this is just one person's take on the subject, and there are no doubt as many other ways to approach the subject as there are flaming bicycles in flaming Beijing
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