Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Hide And Speak

I've said it often enough before that I took a long time to learn to share the fact I also have a girldrobe, and if there's any doubt, my strongest instinct is not to tell - after all you can always tell something a bit later, but you can never take the knowledge back.

But it shows how far I've come that I have an impending social engagement where I've just realised that for once I'm deliberately choosing to hide, which is to say that the default position of admitting nothing has shifted enough that my normal has become the coffee cup with the lipstick smear rather than the scrupulously scrubbed clean one. Of the people I communicate with individually, there's a lot more know than don't know these days.

Hiding in plain sight has its uses, and I well recall the reaction I got from colleagues when I suggested that I wouldn't be attending a fairly formal work social occasion as I didn't have a suitable dress for the event - you can find out a lot about people's attitudes that way, even if it just confirmed my low expectations. Which I can live with, at least I know where I stand without having to find out the really hard way.

Earlier this week I found myself missing my little make up bag when it stayed in my handbag rather than finding its way back to my work rucksack. And it's little things like that which make the make up in my desk just another part of all the stuff I carry around most of the time like my keys and my mobile phone, rather than *SOME GREAT BIG DEAL SPECIAL THING*.

And that's a pretty happy way to be, thanks very much.

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