Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Ex Factor

I recently mentioned the (then) impending decade anniversary of living in this city, which passed this week though I couldn't tell you exactly which day.

Last night, for the first time in longer than I'd prefer, I happened to be in the same place as the person for whom I first moved here, and without whose influence I have no idea where I would be today. Sure, things have a habit of sorting themselves out one way or another, but with the exception of one or two finer points of detail, I wouldn't change a thing.

There is no going back, but a brief hug and a kiss on the cheek from someone I think the world of was more of a pleasant surprise than I'd have expected.

My relationships and exes have always been important to me, so I'm happy to be able to say that a good few years down the line there's an agreement that the shared history of a couple of years together is worth more than any of the inevitable moments of conflict in the separation process. Proof enough, if proof were needed, that the end of a love affair needn't be the end of everything.

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