Monday, September 12, 2005

Social Dis-Ease

I'm not a fan of big crowds, I'm known to be not much of a drinker (the odd bottle of wine at home aside), I don't like loud noise and I sometimes struggle to follow conversation against its background. I couldn't answer the question as what I consider my local, and in the getting on for three years that I've lived in this house, I can count one lemonade in a beer garden a couple of miles away as my sole contribution to the publican's trade. Sure, on my travels last month I ended up catching up with some of my friends who'd travelled from different places in the pub, but there's a fair chance half the folk who may read this were there the last time I was out anywhere except for the purpose of live music. That was in the Pitcher And Thingy off Trafalgar Square. Time before that? Night the last Pope died. And the time before that, well I'm struggling to recall exactly. I grew up around no sort of social activity whatsoever, and when my peers started drinking at 16 or thereabouts, I found it easy enough to not join in. Not because I have any objection, not because I stand in judgement of those who do, just because the question what's in it for me? comes up with a big fat nothing there. If I had a point when I brought this up, it's most likely the vague hope that if you've been around me in person and my body language and/or my lack of talkativeness have made me look like I'm uncomfortable or not interested in what's going on, that this is some sort of explanation as to how far out of my normal territory I may be. Now, doing new things is good for me, but in this case it's not necessarily easy for anyone to get to know me better. And I have plenty to gain if I can make it easier - I'm trying.
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