Friday, August 05, 2005

A Slow Return to Sparklitude

After my first day back at work, a very long bath and a few glasses of wine were just the thing. Even if there's piles of washing everywhere, three big bags of gear still in the boot of the car and a few hours worth of putting stuff away and tidying the house in my near future.

The temptation to spend money on sparkly things lost out to the opportunity to buy in a small stock of chocolate of the not largely vegetable fats variety, and the ferry's limited choice of sparkly options was ignored in favour of a great deal on half a dozen bottles of a particular wine which is no stranger to my local bottle bank. An especially easy choice in the sure and certain knowledge I'll be in an airport I know to have a far greater selection of sparkly wonders in the next couple of weeks anyway.

It may have helped ensure a full night's sleep, but even that small quantity of wine on a school night when I'm already a little sleep deprived is not a habit for the long term. But after the sparkly privations of the better part of two weeks under canvas, facing a weekend largely to myself with no real need to go anywhere, I feel some industrial strength sparkling and a new outfit coming on while I wait for my fingernails to regain their normal length.

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