Tuesday, June 07, 2005


I just pumped up the tyres on the lovely bike and dragged it round my hour circuit for the first time since October - my first go back to using a bike with a gear system that I never really got to grips with using instinctively in the first place. Leaving aside the fact that any knack I had for selecting the right gear at the right time has left me completely, I'm stunned to find I was quicker than all bar one time round that route before. I put it down to the eight months of only commuting on a bike with just the one gear giving me no option but to rely on power more than gears. I'm not sure whether I can entirely trust the speed on the computer, but there's a very long hill I come down towards the end of the ride, and I do hit the mid-40s on it on a regular basis. But tonight the computer shows my maximum speed as a whopping 51 mph, and while it's true I wasn't by any means hanging about, I'm a little reluctant to believe that fully. But it would be funny it if were true.
51mph is a crazy speed. I hope there aren't any speed restrictions on that stretch of the circuit. My Pa was telling me ages ago about all the cyclists that were getting in trouble for speeding when the dropped the restriction to 20mph in Richmond Park.
It's a 60 mph road, so I was well within the law. If the computer is out, it's probably only erring on the generous side by a couple of mph or so, I think, but I've never seen it show that before.
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