Sunday, June 19, 2005


I completed the 100km + 1280m height gain, and had far less difficulty than I was prepared for. Total ride time under four hours, and if it hadn't been for a puncture with 7 or 8 miles to go, I'd have been quicker still. So I reached the finish mostly hacked off about a puncture while I'd been feeling pretty good and was still moving well. And then I checked the big screen at the finish and found that I was in the top forty finishers (out of 750, though not all were doing exactly the same ride), which was a remarkably pleasant surprise on commuting fitness alone!
This is the second big hill.
This is further up the same hill - if you look at the skyline directly above the car in the distance, that's where the road leads. Eventually.
And this is the long leg into the hairpin bend over that piece of skyline - one of the five biggest road hills in Wales and there was another of those five still to come!
But what goes up must come down - this a lovely sweeping descent where my local knowledge meant I could catch and overtake a few people :-) No more pictures, but I rather think it gives you something of a feel for the important features of the landscape!
Wooo. Congratulations on finishing so high up in the race. Have you got any more racing trips planned?
Thanks! Even though it wasn't exactly a race, no matter how it felt. But knowing how many people went past me when I had the puncture, I would have been easily in the top thirty otherwise.

I'm told next year the plan is for the route to be reversed, which makes for some very rapid steep descents, and some very long slogs uphill.

Currently looking at this ride in august, but I can't decide whether the fifty's not enough or the hundred's a bit too ambitious. But I've always been good at biting off more than I can chew...
How long have you got before you have to choose one or the other? Could you try training for the gold and drop down to the silver if the training goes pants.

Good luck with it all anyway. You outdoors people always make me feel bad, I can only ever manage staggering from a bar to beer garden to my house.
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