Friday, June 24, 2005

Fiends Reunited

Today I had email from Friends Reunited from one of my few friends from university days. In response to an email I sent when I first found him listed on there a good three or possibly four years ago. Naturally I now need to spend money to be able to reply, but I got paid today and I'm bound to do so. Why is this amusing? Well despite sending out a few emails a few years ago and meeting up with a couple of people from my past, I kinda left all that behind after the big 2002 FR-upheaval, and it's cheered me immensely to suddenly get an email today. I've been briefly in touch with a couple of university era people, but there were reasons we didn't really stay in touch in the first place. The other day I found where I'd saved the ear-piercing story so I didn't have to type it out again, and this email is from the chap who had to make the phone call to share the news. And so of course I'm now bound to add the ear-piercing story here too, though it's on my work PC so won't appear here for another couple of days. Nostalgia - it's nearly as good as it used to be.
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