Sunday, May 22, 2005

Late Night Special

Right now I am very sparkly and rather drunk. None of which is a problem, but I should take this opportunity to say that while being a drunk girl at home is lots of fun, being a drunk girl with my sparkly ladies is that much more fun. Having my sparkly ladies in my life means a lot to me, and I very much heart them all. That is all. *** POST-POSTING EDIT And I think the reason why it matters so much to me, even if it only makes a limited virtual difference, is that it means my sparkly side exists in a real inter-active world where other people know about it, and where it's a subject that's up for discussion. I mean, I still have a good look out my windows before I step out of my front door in a skirt since getting myself labelled as the neighbourhood pervert is something I'm very keen to avoid, and given that the social climate doesn't move all that rapidly, I suspect that will always be an important practical consideration. In which case, having an alternative environment where that doesn't apply and where I feel both comfortable and welcome expressing my sparkly side is something I'd happily trade my favourite handbag and shoes for, and that's not a claim I make lightly!
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