Friday, April 08, 2005

Sparkly Audit Time!

It comes around every once in a very blue moon. But this time, it came with the assistance of an observer armed with a digital camera, so I could see for myself just how much of a colour clash there was between the lipstick and my own natural colouring. More than half of these have now been consigned to the not-suitable-for-ongoing-ownership pile, which means I now mostly have lipsticks which suit me, and lots more space for buying more lipstick. Result!

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Crumbs that's a lot of lipstick.
Indeed, that's a lot of my life laid out there on that tray.
That's not a lot of lipstick. Uber, you're just a beginner!
It's about 20 more lipsticks than I have! Luce you are a lipopath.
And the shocking thing is that over half of that has subsequently been consigned to the great sparkly landfill in the sky - which has its plus side, at least on the no-longer-quite-so-stuck-for-choice front!
A lipopath? You may have a point. I certainly have something of a fetish in that kind of direction.

If I were of a Freudian bent, you might say I was orally obsessed, but I'm actually not.
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