Monday, April 11, 2005

Dirty Washing!

It may not last, but prompted by the Sparkly Audit (and a house full of tat, it must be said) I spent half a weekend doing lots of stuff around the house. And given it's the first time in about a month that I've had a little time to myself at home, it's well overdue. I've thrown away some rubbish, I've re-ordered my music shelves, cleaned my commuting bike and I've also cleaned my kitchen to the point where it looks like a kitchen in a house someone might live in rather than a mouldy old pile of junk in the landfill. Ok, so it wasn't quite that bad, but it feels good to have done something both necessary and worthwhile. Perhaps it's a sign I'm getting a bit less uptight in general - last week I lost something, nothing crucial or of great value or significance, but still something useful. I had a look where it might have been lost, and tomorrow I'm replacing it, if I remember, but it's really not the drama it might once have been. This coming weekend looks like being relatively free, so the odds are pretty favourable for a clothes audit. Now if only I had a digital camera, I could scare the living whatsit out of people at what's hanging in my wardrobe, and stacked away in boxes. I could indulge my fantasies of decorating - don't be stupid, I only said I could. I might put up another shelf or two and I really ought to do something with the garden - cleaning up the dead leaves and considering mowing the grass is probably a minimum requirement. Such is the lot of a responsible mortgage-holding adult, I guess. And I confess it's a responsibility I'll happily stick with for the benefits of the control it gives me over the circumstances in which I live. Happy days!
Like I said, my kitchen could also do with a "bit of a clean" (euphemism for bulldozing). Seeing as you are in the mood for that sort of thing, don't let me stand in your way...
Good luck. My flat is a complete and utter skanky hole at the moment. It's far too small for 2 messy lazy horders to live in comfortably.
And that was before my toilet developed a nagging leak - I'm not just a flawlessly finished face, I hope. Time will tell.
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