Thursday, January 06, 2005

Something Bout This Time Of Year Turns My Head Around

Yeah, I know. I already said. But I've never ceased to find humour in important things from the past finding their way back to me again. This evening I had a weird sort of double historical echo thing going on, with someone reappearing unexpectedly and right in the middle of something else. If they can't look you in the eye, you've won. Even if there's no competition to win.
it is my absolute and convinced belief that the Important is not. I was visited by the past in a rather extended way last year, and it had all the signs of being Important. It wasn't. The significant rarely is significant. Which means all those things we ignore are really the key to life.
I take your point, but I have something of a reverse-denial thing going on - important or not, I'd always much rather embrace and remember what has made me me.
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