Wednesday, January 19, 2005

I Always Feel Like... Somebody's Watching Me

And vice versa. C'mon lurkers, speak up. I can see you, you know!
It's a bit dark in here. I bet you can't see me that well. Unless you're a bush baby or have night vision goggles.
Amazing what you can do with enough carrots!

Start a carrot shop, mostly, but thanks for saying hello!
I'm not that keen on carrots unless they're in cake. I like my vegetables green.
Oh dear. It looks like I'm the only out and proud lurker.
No, you're no longer a lurker but now elevated to being one of my two admitted visitors.

As for the rest of them, whaddyawant? Or what brings you here? I know I've been visited from some far flung countries, so what gives?
I think you'll find that's three admitted visitors Uber!

And badgering people into commenting won't help if they're too *shy* to comment already!
And I found that most of my farflung lurkers arrived via the "next blog" button on the top right corner of the blog ...
Sure it'll help - who needs their Y chromosome liberating in a shower of glitter?

Are you out there? I know you're out there!
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